Friday, June 8, 2007

Artsy Card

Alas, a coworker of mine has found a new and exciting job. Her last day was today, so I decided to make a card for her last weekend, but I needed more supplies. So I found this awesome store called Paper Source, which is like a 10 minute walk away from my apartment. When I walked in, I was like kid in a candy store. There were so many card stock colors, wrapping paper, card making tools, book binding stuff, tissue flowers galore! After cleaning up my drool, I finally bought a couple sheets of paper, fushia and orange, my co-worker's favorite colors. Below are the materials I used: Special paper, card stock, an exacto knife, a sharpie, thread, and a needle.

I initally tried to use my exacto knife to cut the flocked fushia paper (flocked paper feels like the fuzzy stickers you might have collected as a child), but I wouldn't recommend it because the paper is kind of fabricky and is easier to cut with small sharp scissors. After I cut out my designs, I sewed around the edges of the shiny orange paper and the inside of the card to give it a finished look. And voila!

(I have more views on my web album.)


Jan(i)e said...

thats so cool...i always want to make designs like that, but for some reason, i can't draw them! grr. good job.

Nancy said...

what a cuuuute card!!!!! and guessss what?!!?! didja know that there's a paper source right here in LA?!?! of course, it had to be in Beverly hills though. haha. i <3 that store!