Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

"Surrender to death, to start a new life."
-Fr John Unni

He said to "surrender to death...stop fighting...surrender." Now there are a number of ways this could be taken. Obviously, Fr. John did not mean this literally, but metaphorically. Even so, I am not sure what part of my life needs to die. If anything I need to live more. Maybe my nonexporatory side and my worries need to die. Perhaps, my current job needs to "die" so I can "live" with a new job. I've already decided that giving up on my dream to be a doctor is NOT the one to die. I have worked way too hard to give that up now. Yeah, the worries got to go and the "que sera sera" part of me needs to be revived...brought back from the dead. That's how my life can be improved. Drop all the pretentiousness, all the pride, all the doubt, and just be.

Random questions about Good Friday:

  1. Why is it called Good Friday, when this is the day that we rejected the Lord, and condemned him to a crucifixion?
  2. Why does Daddy eat that bland mung bean soup only on this day?
  3. Although I fasted all day, is it ok that I gorged myself with a delicious non-meat Cheesecake Factory dish for dinner? This is probably why Daddy eats the mung bean soup. So he can't feel guilty about his Good Friday meal.
  4. Is there an official age when you should start fasting?

Anyway, I was thinking of boiling some eggs and painting them on Easter with Carlos. But how many do I boil? And who will eat all of them? I LOVE boiled eggs, but all those yolks will clog up my arteries. Maybe I'll just paint eggs on paper instead. It's a nice compromise. Too bad I don't have kids for egg hunting. Then when they come back with a basket of eggs in exchange for money or prizes, I tell them that they have to eat all the eggs before they can get their money. Lol, remember when they used to do that to us?

Happy Peeps eating!


Jan(i)e said...

Make sugar cookies shaped like eggs and decorate them! They're tastier and your friends won't look at you all weird when you try to give them away the next day at work...I'd rather get a cookie than a boiled egg!

Jan(i)e said...

Nevermind, I'd definitely love a boiled egg if it looked like this! Looks easy and fun...

Jan(i)e said...

Ate, you have to use your knitting and possibly crochet powers to make this for me!